<p>I'm planning out my future schedule and end up with like ~145 credits to double major. I know getting two degrees offers very few benefits over double majoring (only difference is 150 vs 120 credits), it seems silly not to do it when so close.</p>
<p>So anyone know any extra courses that were fun just to take? Maybe a sports class or something?</p>
<p>I don’t know if it would be necessarily classified as a “Just for fun” class, but I really enjoyed MUSC205: History of Popular Music, 1950-Present. There is some work involved, but it’s not bad at all. 4 short papers, one of which is just talking about what kind of music you like and another that analyzes your favorite song from the last 5 years. Then there’s 3 tests [no final] but to me they were pretty easy. As long as you go to class, take notes, and pay attention (and since I thoroughly enjoyed what was being taught, this was simple) you’re golden for the tests. The tests also have a listening section…I remember on one test one of the questions was just identifying that it was the Beach Boys that were singing in the snippet they played! Obviously most of the test is more in-depth than that but its all based on lecture. And you learn a ton about rock/popular music history.</p>
<p>What a great idea - I know there is ourumd.com to rate the professors/classes, but suggestions from current students on classes that are enjoyable would be great for everyone. </p>
<p>In particular, which classes did you take to fulfill core requirements (now general ed) that you found you actually liked?</p>
<p>While I don’t know what course is the current equivalent, (I won’t admit how long ago I graduated from Maryland), one of my favorite classes was a film class that I took at night. It was like a movie night with friends. Yes, there was learning involved and critical evaluation, but it was not stressful.</p>
<p>PHIL140 for my HO requirement, PHYS105 for non-lab science. I didn’t really dislike any courses for my CORE requirements but those (and MUSC205) really stuck out.</p>
<p>As for sports classes, a friend of mine took bowling (under the KNES designation) for credit. It met early but it was only for half of the semester.</p>