<p>I spelled Committee like Committe.</p>
<p>I spelled Committee like Committe.</p>
<p>See clam fart thread.</p>
<p>dude, that’s gonna land you at community college.</p>
<p>I know someone who made a bigger mistake on their app and still got in ED to WM.</p>
<p>dumb question: what’s the diff?</p>
<p>the second way didn’t have an extra e on the end.</p>
<p>oh god a HUGE typo you’ll never get anywhere better go cry about it on all the forums you can!!!</p>
<p>“Committe” looks like a french word. Adcoms will probably assume you are an international applicant that misfiled. If you asked for aid you will definitely be rejected.</p>
<p>what’s a “small typo” then?</p>
<p>you have no hope whatsoever</p>
<p>o well. life goes on.</p>
<p>You’re fine, chillax</p>
<p>nothing to worry about… adcoms can be understanding…</p>
<p>I have two typos on my applications (that were worse than that, trust me) and i’ve already been admitted places. Don’t sweat it!</p>
<p>Why do people start these worthless threads? Thanks for wasting space on this forum, OP.</p>
<p>I once meant to write “I would very much like to attend your school” and accidentally wrote “I know where Whitey Bulger is and I’m not telling.” I still got in. Don’t sweat it.</p>
<p>Oh man, I’m so sorry. I didn’t make a single mistake on my applications and I’m not getting accepted anywhere. Just think about how hard it’ll be for you with that typo.</p>
<p>You should edit your essay and resend it to all of the schools that you applied to. If you don’t then you can kiss any scholarships goodbye.</p>