Just got accepted to UMN-Twin Cities. What are my chances for UW-Madison?

Background: I am a male Hispanic/Black student living in NYC. My family is middle-income, but because of certain situations, a large amount goes for my mother’s treatments and services for my brother. My father went to college and my mother immigrated to the U.S. at age nine; my grandfather is also a Holocaust survivor who survived a concentration camp. I would like to major in Economics and then go for an MBA.

Transcript: I have an unweighted 94 GPA at a public school. However, when I was in the 1st semester of 9th grade, my mother was undergoing ovarian cancer treatments and my younger brother was put into a hospital for “being a threat to others”, so my GPA for that semester was 84. For the 2nd semester, it was 93, and my 10th-grade average was 96; my junior year average was 97. When I was in 8th grade, I took all 9th-grade classes, so I was able to take the hardest curriculum my school offers (which is only 2 APs in junior and 3 APs in senior year). I’ve also taken four courses at my local public college, of which I have a 4.0 GPA.

Exams: I wanted to take the SAT with Essay, and the Math level 2, Biology M, and U.S. History Subject Tests. But due to the pandemic, I’ve been canceled in August, September, and now October. The good news is that I have a 4 on the APUSH and AP Bio exam, while many students in my class got 1s and 2s on those exams, so hopefully, that can substitute those subject tests?

Extracurriculars: I had a paid internship at a Holocaust Museum where I would give tours. during the summer between 10th and 11th grade. In 11th grade, I founded the Model United Nations club at my school, and in 10th grade, I also founded and managed a chess program where the school can participate in citywide tournaments. I am also the captain of varsity tennis, and on the varsity fencing and wrestling team as well. I’m the treasurer of the National Honor Society and am currently running for president of student government. Since 9th grade, I’ve spent 400+ hours tutoring students at my local library. I also have 200+ hours at an organization that uses horse therapy for emotionally disturbed children (like my brother).

Recommendations: A teacher who taught me 3 classes and supervised the chess program is writing my primary recommendation letter. Another teacher, whom I’ve known since 7th grade (she taught at my middle school as well) taught me 3 classes and manages NHS. Moreover, my boss for my internship offered to write me a letter, so I accepted it.

Essay: about my adversity and how it gave me responsibility and perseverance. I focus on the hardships of my family and how while they may have been an obstacle, I am grateful for them because of what I learned from them. I then go into how I’ve contributed to my community, focusing on how I want to help others that have similar circumstances.

Awards: Perfect attendance and honor roll for all 4 years, student of the month, and meeting the requirements for a diploma with “Advanced Designation”.

A few days ago, I found out I got into UNM-TC, but my dream school is Madison, I’ve applied EA for Madison, but are these stats good enough?

Yes, I think you have a really good chance. In the case that you don’t get in, UMN is a school on par with Madison and I think you will really enjoy it there. Your essay, letters of recommendation, and the adversity you faced really separate you from other applicants. Your ethnic background also really sets you apart as well. Your stats are pretty good and so are your extracurriculars. Not having a test score should not hurt you this year due to the pandemic. Considering all the factors of your application, I think you will get in.