<p>I am a junior in a public school in a small town in Nebraska.</p>
<p>Race: Hispanic
Gender: Male
Planned Major: Computer Science (might double up with math)</p>
<p>I am two years ahead in my math classes
Frosh: Algebra 2,
Soph: Precalculus
Junior: AP calculus AB (the highest my school offers) + Self-studying the BC chapters</p>
<p>Class Rank: 1/284 (The number in my class keeps getting lower due to people dropping)
GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.0267 W
Average Grade: 99.89%
Hardest courseload possible</p>
<p>I am currently in 2 ap classes (Calculus and Physics), will be in AP Biology, AP Chemistry and AP lit&comp senior year (that is all the AP classes my school offers except government, which conflicts)</p>
<p>PSAT: 214 (70 CR, 71 M, 73 W)
SAT: 2200 (750 CR, 760 M, 690 W [10 essay]) [should I retake to improve my Writing?]</p>
<p>ECs, Leadership, and Awards:</p>
<p>-Expecting **National merit semifinalist<a href="last%20year's%20cutoff%20was%20206%20in%20NE">/B</a></p>
<p>-Varsity Physics Team <a href="the%20name%20is%20poking%20fun%20at%20athletics">11th grade</a> won first at regional JETS TEAMS contest, a physics competition where around 15-20 schools competed. Our scores will be sent to the state to see if we get to go to nationals</p>
<p>-Robotics Club President [10th-11th grades] - routinely wins 2nd or 3rd in regional robotics programming contests</p>
<p>-Future Business Leaders of America President [11th grade]</p>
<p>-Quiz Bowl [11th grade]</p>
<p>-**Mu Alpha Theta<a href="math%20honor%20society">/B</a> [11th grade]</p>
<p>-Expected **National Honor Society<a href="Sent%20application%20in,%20but%20they%20pretty%20much%20take%20the%20top%205%%20of%20our%20class%20guaranteed">/B</a> [11th grade]</p>
<p>-Young Democrats Club [11th Grade]</p>
<p>-Programming Team <a href="a%20group%20of%204%20people%20who%20go%20and%20compete%20in%20regional%20C++%20contests">11th Grade</a></p>
<li><p>Won 6th in state in National French Exam [10th grade]</p></li>
<li><p>Built websites using PHP and MYSQL databases for fun and profit (since 8th grade, actually, when my first site sold for $20. I've made a few thousand, which has been mainly used to help my family out.)</p></li>
<p>Special Circumstances:
- Moved from Miami summer before 8th grade
- Parents are Cuban immigrants and speak little English
- This high school only covers grades 10-12, which is why I didn't have many ECs in 9th grade.</p>
<p>**------------Phew, that was long--------------</p>
<p>Where I'm applying (no particular order):
Carnegie Mellon
U Chicago
Harvey Mudd
University of Nebraska at Omaha (safety due to guaranteed merit aid)</p>
<p>Also applying to MIT MITES for this summer :)</p>
<p>Thank you for reading all of this, leave me a link to chance you back if you like.</p>