Just got SAT scores back, chance me for my dream schools (computer science)


<p>I am a junior in a public school in a small town in Nebraska.</p>

<p>Race: Hispanic
Gender: Male
Planned Major: Computer Science (might double up with math)</p>

<p>I am two years ahead in my math classes
Frosh: Algebra 2,
Soph: Precalculus
Junior: AP calculus AB (the highest my school offers) + Self-studying the BC chapters</p>

<p>Class Rank: 1/284 (The number in my class keeps getting lower due to people dropping)
GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.0267 W
Average Grade: 99.89%
Hardest courseload possible</p>

<p>I am currently in 2 ap classes (Calculus and Physics), will be in AP Biology, AP Chemistry and AP lit&comp senior year (that is all the AP classes my school offers except government, which conflicts)</p>

<p>PSAT: 214 (70 CR, 71 M, 73 W)
SAT: 2200 (750 CR, 760 M, 690 W [10 essay]) [should I retake to improve my Writing?]</p>

<p>ECs, Leadership, and Awards:</p>

<p>-Expecting **National merit semifinalist<a href="last%20year's%20cutoff%20was%20206%20in%20NE">/B</a></p>

<p>-Varsity Physics Team <a href="the%20name%20is%20poking%20fun%20at%20athletics">11th grade</a> won first at regional JETS TEAMS contest, a physics competition where around 15-20 schools competed. Our scores will be sent to the state to see if we get to go to nationals</p>

<p>-Robotics Club President [10th-11th grades] - routinely wins 2nd or 3rd in regional robotics programming contests</p>

<p>-Future Business Leaders of America President [11th grade]</p>

<p>-Quiz Bowl [11th grade]</p>

<p>-**Mu Alpha Theta<a href="math%20honor%20society">/B</a> [11th grade]</p>

<p>-Expected **National Honor Society<a href="Sent%20application%20in,%20but%20they%20pretty%20much%20take%20the%20top%205%%20of%20our%20class%20guaranteed">/B</a> [11th grade]</p>

<p>-Young Democrats Club [11th Grade]</p>

<p>-Programming Team <a href="a%20group%20of%204%20people%20who%20go%20and%20compete%20in%20regional%20C++%20contests">11th Grade</a></p>

<li><p>Won 6th in state in National French Exam [10th grade]</p></li>
<li><p>Built websites using PHP and MYSQL databases for fun and profit (since 8th grade, actually, when my first site sold for $20. I've made a few thousand, which has been mainly used to help my family out.)</p></li>

<p>Special Circumstances:
- Moved from Miami summer before 8th grade
- Parents are Cuban immigrants and speak little English
- This high school only covers grades 10-12, which is why I didn't have many ECs in 9th grade.</p>

<p>**------------Phew, that was long--------------</p>

<p>Where I'm applying (no particular order):
Carnegie Mellon
U Chicago
Harvey Mudd
University of Nebraska at Omaha (safety due to guaranteed merit aid)</p>

<p>Also applying to MIT MITES for this summer :)</p>

<p>Thank you for reading all of this, leave me a link to chance you back if you like.</p>

<p>Stanford: Reach
Caltech: Reach
CMU: not sure… sorry!
UChic: Low Reach
Harvey Mudd: Match/ High Match
Darmouth: High Match
MIT: High Match
Columbia: Match</p>

<p>Please chance me back!! :slight_smile:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/652011-chances-cmu.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/652011-chances-cmu.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Wow very impressive. Being from Nebraska, first generation student and being a URM are all hooks that will help a lot. The only problem that I could see is that the difficulty of your school sounds really questionable from what your saying. Other than that though, it looks like you put the top 5 computer science schools in the nation down and I have a hard time seeing you not getting into at least one of them. Also you don’t need to worry about writing. If it was math you would need to but I’m guessing that schools look at you’re writing just to make sure that your not stupid. Good look to you and wish me look too because I’m hoping to go into computer science somewhere as well (currently Junior).</p>

Solid ECs</p>

<h2>+ Solid SAT</h2>

<p>= Good chances everywhere </p>

<p>Take SAT again to improve on writing? Meh, I wouldn’t.</p>

<p>You look good so far. You need good SAT II’s. Don’t neglect reviewing for them!</p>

<p>Good Luck.</p>

<p>In regards to my school’s difficulty:</p>

<p>When this school year started, there were 306 people in my class. Now there are 284. That’s 22 drops in a semester, almost a tenth of our class.</p>

<p>Many people do not take school seriously, but some do. Our school tries hard, but often has to focus more on underachievers than on overachievers.</p>

<p>If you look a little and ask around, however, you can find brilliant teachers and tough classes (such as my british literature class, where I’m currently at a B-, I will hopefully raise it by the end of semester.)</p>

<p>Many classes give lots of ‘extra credit’. I’ve had classes where my final grade was over 120%. Not all of them are that easy, however. I think the difficulty of my school depends on what you choose.</p>

<p>I don’t want to be seen as whining or complaining - I love my high school. I do get frustrated sometimes, but I find that both the administrators and the teachers care. (I’m actually in the process of convincing the school to start an organic chemistry class - we already have a teacher willing to teach it instead of having a planning period. All we have to do is show that there will be enough interest in the class)</p>

<p>MIT and Columbia are not matches or high matches for anyone, but you stand a good shot</p>

<p>@ srrinath - Well, the stats matched MIT’s and Columbia’s av accepted class of 2008. Also kevmus’s ethnicity/ ec’s help too.</p>

<p>Schools are just going to wonder whether you are actually prepared for the workload of college. I honestly don’t care how smart a student a person is but having around a 99.8 average numerical grade is really sketchy for a college to look at. I think it won’t affect you too much though because you are number 1 in your class and have great academic EC’s. I suggest that maybe you use an essay to explain how you want more of a challenge then high school provided. I wouldn’t worry to much though. The competitiveness of your school is the only negative on your whole app.</p>

<p>Being from PA, I know alot about CMU, and I see that being a definite match.
As someone said before, I see Stanford caltrch and chicago being reaches, due to your high schools difficulty.
Do not retake your SATs, at the schools you are applying to writing will be used for freshman English placement and you still did great.</p>

<p>you have a pretty good chance for all your schools, except for maybe stanford and caltech which are hard for anyone…</p>

<p>dont think its necessary to retake the sat for you unless you really think you can improve quite a bit on ur 2200</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/652754-chances-cornell-columbia-upenn.html#post1061822830[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/652754-chances-cornell-columbia-upenn.html#post1061822830&lt;/a&gt; chance back please =)</p>

<p>Is there anything I can do to make up for my school’s difficulty?</p>

<p>yes, great SATII scores and AP scores
As long as you prove that you know the subjects well, no one will punish you for an uncompetitive HS. You didn’t choose your high school, I don’t see why everyone on this thread sees your enrollment there as a negative. I go to a below-average school (in terms of SAT averages, dropouts) but students who work hard there still get into top colleges.
oh and I think you have great hooks and good chances everywhere. Getting an 800 on the math SATII would help</p>

<p>I’m not blaming him for his school difficulty or anything. I’m just saying that its a small negative in the process(can’t deny it and I’m not going to sugar coat it). It should be fine for him though because he is the top student in his class.</p>

<p>If you are worried about proving your academic ability, you should consider taking a college class next year (more math maybe?). Are there any nearby, Nebraska being such a big state?</p>

<p>CMU program application is not due until March, in case you don’t get into MITES:
[Carnegie</a> Mellon Summer Programs for Diversity](<a href=“http://www.cmu.edu/enrollment/summerprogramsfordiversity/]Carnegie”>http://www.cmu.edu/enrollment/summerprogramsfordiversity/)</p>

<p>Your a perfect applicant… but your high school seems a bit easy, anyone with me???. Other than that, everything looks good.</p>

<p>Actually, I’m probably going to end up taking Calc 2 or 3 next year at the community college in my town. (Depending on if I take a math class during a summer program or not, or self study BC or not)</p>

<p>That’s another reason why I’m aiming for a summer program - to prove that I can do the work.</p>

<p>Good for you. I can tell that you really want to succeed and go to these great schools and if I can see it then I’m sure colleges will see it as well.</p>

<p>More information:

  • The physics team ended up not being able to go to nationals
  • I took the Natl French Exam again this year. Are awards from this exam useful? (Ex: my 6th in state in 10th grade)
  • I scored an 88.5 on the AMC. (Should I write this down anywhere?)</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for the help! :)</p>

<p>The fact that you are both Hispanic and from a small town in Nebraska should give you an edge. According to my Harvard interviewer, schools are always looking to increase their ethnic and geographic diversity. And despite your school’s poor academics, you definitely stand out. Your record proves that you are, in fact, a hardworking and diligent student. However, in your case, standardized tests are key, so work for those 5’s on your AP exams. You definitely have a very interesting background, and that will certainly put you at an advantage. Continue your high achievements, write stunning essays, and I truly believe that none of the schools on your list will go beyond a low reach.</p>