<p>the market its tough this year....b/c of the liquidity crunch/sub-prime woes alot of people are having a tough time finding a job...i would suggest you contact a head hunter...to get your resume out there...maybe temp work in the mean time?....remember the longer you wait/takes after graduation to get a job the less valuable (to employers) you/your degree becomes</p>
<p>Yes, stay with the career center until you find something. Sit down with the people there if possible and discuss options. I assume by buncha you mean at least 20?</p>
<p>I heard what I consider to be a horror story from a fellow that spoke at my kid's school, BSEE from an Ivy beginning with D, wanted to get a job in the midwest, finally moved to his parent's house and six months later got a job. Companies here wouldn't pay for him to travel out for an interview. EGads, if he'd gone to a big midwestern state school I can't help but think that he'd have had much less trouble getting a job.</p>