just so you can laugh at me...

<p>If you don't want to be troubled by my woes, I understand, you don't need to read this. But hey, one person's pain is another's pleasure, right? Anyway, I am just trying to get myself rejected. First, I made a mistake on my Common App. Then I faxed over an explanation to all the Ivies that are going to see my mistake. Then, after they were all faxed, I noticed that on each letter I had put January 2nd, 2008 as the date, not 2009. Great, now I have just given myself another shove to the edge of the cliff, and now I am pebbles from teetering off into the abyss below.</p>

<p>The above situation is sort of meant to be taken in jest, but deep down I am sort of worried. I keep telling myself that even the Ivies wouldn't be as heartless as to reject me solely for an accumulation of those minor mistakes, when they know how much work I have invested in applying to them in the first place.</p>

<p>Someone tell me to calm me down! We should all calm down, from some of the other posts that I've browsed...</p>

<p>Breathe in…breathe out…breathe in…breathe out…</p>

<p>See, don’t you feel better now? I don’t think it is too big of a deal- everyone accidently puts the old year during the start of a new one. Adcoms may not even catch it. (I admit, it was slightly humorous though) You’re fine, no worries, now go do the sun salutation and meditate on your coming acceptance. :)</p>

<p>Please, please, please calm down. Lol. Just to let you know, 2 days ago, I noticed that I had submitted my second essay for Princeton to UPenn. Oops :p. I have yet to hear back from the AO…hopefully they’ll let me resubmit. (people have told me that the AO is very kind about mistakes like that. They will understand)</p>

<p>Do you feel better? I was telling the truth too. deep down, I’m worried to death. That’s why I’ve been so edgy lately. Your mistake isnt nearly as big as mine :slight_smile: So breath, as butternut says.</p>

<p>You guys are great!
And KitKatz, now that I think about it, you should be safe from penalty. I actually am starting to believe that all of this worrying is not worth it! Why? Because, since the Ivies and any other popular/exclusive school receive so many applications, that even if they say that everything must be in by this or that deadline, there are hundreds of kids who contact them at the end of the submission period to explain that they’ve made a mistake, and instead of taking the time to refuse late re-submissions of stuff (I mean, they have the right to), these colleges all probably say to themselves, “Oh, what the hell, just do whatever you gotta do!”</p>

<p>Well, it’s definitely safe to respect submission deadlines, but I’m just sayin’, if there’s a boo-boo anywhere, I think that it would be physically impossible for an Ivy to strictly tend to all of the post-deadline mistakes.</p>

<p>Did you apply to all of them? If so, then maybe the number of applications you had to complete was an impediment to careful checking. Not to mention a little…prestige-seeking.</p>

<p>Yeah, thanks :slight_smile: i got an okay from AO. they told me just to fax over my essay and they’ll fix it. those ppls are so nice…I love them :smiley: Now i can breath too.</p>

<p>I know someone who put 1881 as their birthday.</p>

<p>^ LOL, that one’s good!</p>

<p>Haha. Actually, am I the only one who didn’t doublecheck my apps after I hit the submit button? After seeing so many people hyperventilate over minor mistakes, I did myself a favor and just left it alone on my hard drive so I wouldn’t panic.</p>