just so you know what kind of people goes to nyu...

<p>Day</a> 2: NYU Students’ Occupation of Kimmel | NYU Local</p>

<p>anyone who wants to make the cost of tuition lower is fine with me.lol</p>

<p>That’s pretty annoying. But you can probably find groups like this at many universities, or anywhere in the world really, without much of a cause.</p>

<p>Heck, I got an email through an arts group once from this fellow who’d worn a kangaroo shirt outside the Supreme Court because his favorite politician lost/was going to lose a case, took a video of himself protesting and getting arrested, then put it online. You have to wonder whether they’ve lost their sense of perspective. NYU certainly isn’t the only place with people who want to get worked up over nothing.</p>

<p>wow, wanting budget transparency from our administration is “annoying”? stabilizing skyrocketing tuition costs is not “much of a cause”? </p>

<p>i think it’s pretty admirable. of course, gawker is already covering it as well.</p>



<p>That’s not annoying - and in fact, I agree with those aspects of the protest. It’s the fact that they claim to represent, or are acting in a manner that will affect the entire student body, when it’s clear a significant proportion of the student body doesn’t agree with them (e.g. Bobst - I understand it’s already “open” to the public in a way, but it seems clear to me many people don’t want the entire library to be made public) or their methods. Same feeling I get when random politicians whose ideas I don’t agree with attempt to speak to the press on “my” behalf.</p>

<p>Disclaimer: I’m not an NYU student, though I hope to be in a few months :stuck_out_tongue: So, you know, I don’t have firsthand info on this - I’m just going by the comments on the site. If my assumptions are incorrect, go ahead and disregard what I’ve said.</p>

<p>Yale had a similar but tamer protest a few years back.</p>

<p>[Yale</a> Daily News - Protest closes admissions office](<a href=“http://www.yaledailynews.com/articles/view/13460]Yale”>http://www.yaledailynews.com/articles/view/13460)</p>

<p>It’s interesting to see that student activism is not completely dead.</p>

<p>pace university had one when their president gave himself a pay raise and simultaneously cut student financial aid. he later resigned.</p>

<p>Well it is nice to see that student activism isn’t dead. Tuition is ridiculous at NYU and more so their financial aid really stinks. D got better offers from Johns Hopkins and Boston University. It is shamefull that they are more interested in buying up the real estate in the area and giving lots of research money to their teaching staff. They get more grants and fellowships that go straight to the professors. They need to give it up and focus on their students.</p>

<p>Very Simple…</p>

<p>Don’t like sky high tuition costs?<br>
Want transperency in budgets and better financial aid?
Apply to a state school! </p>

<p>Better yet everyone in TBNYU drop out and let those of us who want in, take your places</p>

<p>If student activism bothers you, go somewhere else. At NYU, protests are a fact of life, just like the bureaucracy or the high tuition. If you hate protesters that much, transfer.</p>

<p>whoa, so we should have to go to a SUNY to know where our TUITION MONEY is going? we don’t deserve to know how much of our money goes into building new dorms, or how much is going into J.Sex’s pocket? we are PAYING our university, we shouldn’t have to go through all of this hooey just to know where all the money is going.</p>

<p>so if you don’t like student activism, don’t apply!</p>

<p>what they are doing is totally unfair for to the rest of the student population. They are occupying (ILLEGALLY) a space of Kimmel to cause major inconveniences for the rest of the student body that should have a choice to not participate in this event.</p>

<p>Well it is America.They have the right to be heard. Protests have been successful in the past at other institutions of higher learning.(i’m from the 70’s) My D who goes to NYU was totally unaware of what whas going on. So it really isn’t as intrusive as one might put it. But It is nice to see that activism is alive and well.</p>



<p>State School? talk about beaucracy.
You would not do well at NYU.</p>



<p>Some may laugh but I actually want to go to be educated in Finance, not political activism or community organizing. What kind of demand is

If I am paying tuition why in the world would I want school money going to Palestinians in Gaza? Instead maybe that money should go to hiring more Professors that speak English as a FIRST language.</p>

<p>So do I fit your Hanoi Jane stereotype of a model NYU student…No and I wouldn’t dodge a draft either. I guess I should just go to a state school then</p>


<p>No one is saying you need to like Palestinians or idolize Jane Fonda. What I am saying is that your insistence that your life not be disrupted in any way by any protest is unrealistic. NYU’s long and storied tradition of student protest predated your arrival at the school and certainly will continue long after you graduate.</p>

<p>you don’t even attend NYU. so how can you make the assumption that we don’t have enough Professors that speak English as a first language? i learned a lot in my media and global communications course from a phD candidate that -gasp- came from Italy and spoke Italian as his first language. we are a global university. our faculty comes from all over the world. your points don’t make much sense either.</p>

NYU doesn’t seem to be a fit for you, because the school is full of international students, and it is a liberally bent school and rightly so. After all it is a global university.</p>

<p>no no he will fit right in. I don’t think anyone from Stern blurted out a word during this 2 days long child’s play. Stern is kind of like the nyu med school… just closer.</p>