Just started looking at LAC's - fell in love with Pomona.... Chances

<p>Asian Male
School: Bronx High School of Science
GPA: 91.8
Classes Taken: Honors Chemistry, Honors Alg/Trig, Honors Physics, Honors Junior English, Biology Projects (INTEL STS research)
Classes in Progress: A.P English Language and Composition, A.P Microeconomics, A.P Calculus AB, Linear Algebra/Differential Equations, A.P Chemistry, Biology Projects, Macroeconomics at a local college</p>

-Pre-Medical Scoiety (9,10,11,12)
-Chess/Go Club (10,12)
-Key Club - Head of Projects Committee (11,12)
-American Cancer Society (12)</p>

<p>Out of School Activities
-Dental Internship (9,10,11,12 ~8 hrs/week)
-Science Research (11, summer, 12 ~6hrs/week)
-S-PREP at Columbia Medical School (12)
-College Now Program-Took macroeconomics at local college(12-Fall Semester)</p>

Job at Hospital (summer before 11 ~25 hrs/week)
Job at Community Center (summer before 12 ~25 hrs/week)</p>

2007 Distinguished Key Clubber
2007 Questbridge Finalist
2007 Biology Journal-Had a crossword puzzle published</p>


<p>SAT 2's
Bio M-710
Math 2c-660 (retaking for hopefully 730+)</p>

<p>Low income student, has faced serious life obstacles(wrote about this in essay)</p>

<p>no responses for real?</p>

<p>Class rank? No SAT scores? Your ACT is OK but it's a bit unusual for a New Yorker to not take the SATs. Don't know if that would be a red flag. Your SAT II math score is low for Pomona. Your EC's are only average. The good thing about Pomona is they tend to look at the person, not just the stats. If you come across as a unique individual with enthusiasm for Pomona, that might be enough. Bronx Science is an excellent school and has likely prepared you well for college. Good luck.</p>

<p>Our school doesn't rank.</p>

<p>I am retaking the math2c.</p>

<p>Plus they only require the ACT so I won't submit unless I pull off the score I am hoping for.</p>

<p>I would suggest investigating how many other grads from your HS have applied/attended Pomona. In my kids' HS guidance office, there was a notebook where that information was kept (no names, just data such as GPA, SAT scores, etc.). It helped to see how many kids from the previous year applied to certain schools and what the results were.</p>

<p>Yea I did that.</p>

<p>2005-2 applied, 0 got in
2006-9 applied, 3 got in
2007-2 applied, 0 got in</p>

<p>The gpa's were an 85,93,and a 97 for an avergae accepted GPA of 92.2 which is about my GPA.</p>

<p>NVM I am probably not even gonna graduate.</p>