just submitted. chance me?

<p>CA Resident
Super competitive, top public school
No ranking </p>

<p>ACT: 30 (Retaking in a couple weeks, don't know if they'll see new scores or not)
SAT: 2000 (730W, 600M, 670CR)
SAT IIs: Lit - 760; USH - 640</p>

<p>GPA: Not sure what the "UM GPA" encompasses, but high school is - 3.8UW, 4.2W </p>

<p>AP tests:
US History - 4
Taking currently (will take APs in May): Stat, Environmental Science, Lit</p>

*Theatre! Acting plus technical theatre and production staff. 6 years of acting, 15? shows, many lead roles, fesitvals, and leadership positions.
*Worked on an animal rights website for 3 years as the web manager
*National Honors Society; National Merit Commended Scholar; AVID "Write-Off" Finalist
*Volunteer work--over 300 hours (mostly for theatre activities)
*Work--Part time job junior year, approx 20hrs/week; part time job senior year, approx 8hrs/week
*Yearbook my freshman and sophomore year </p>

<p>Essays are fairly good, letters of rec should be very good. </p>

<p>I'm applying as a theatre major but I'm pretty sure that's an entirely different ballpark--I just want to know what you think my chances are for being accepted into the school :)</p>

<p>UM GPA: “A, A-” = 4, “B+,B,B-” = 3, etc.</p>

<p>The recalculated GPA will be lower if u have a lot of “plus” grades and higher if you have many “minus” grades. UM doesn’t differentiate between a B- and a B+ (all result in a 3)</p>

<p>Since you’re OOS a 30 ACT might be borderline but i think that u stand a well enough chance</p>

<p>Ooh, alright thanks. :slight_smile: we don’t do pluses and minuses so my GPAs the same, then.</p>

<p>So a student who teacher grading scale for a B is 85+, and they earn a 83… University of Michigan- Ann Arbor takes the 83% to 70%?</p>

yes (10 char)</p>

<p>wouldn’t the 83% be a 3.0 for UM since an 83% at UM would be a 3.0?</p>

<p>Well my chemistry teacher last year grading scale for a B was a 85+ which I think was ridiculous, and still is ( also was inform his first year teaching that type of chem). Since I made like an 83, and 82 etc… I got a C+, which is already not a good reflection of my work. Then to understand that University of Michigan- Ann Arbor will slam it all the way down to 70%. I’m sure they will put a C due to no way determining teachers with a horrible grading scale.
My Ap Biology class grading scale isn’t that bad, but it still effects. First marking period got All A’s and a C in Ap Biology ( actually a 75%), which came out to be a unweighted of 3.67 for the marking period. Although if the grading scale was normal, my unweighted for the marking period would be a 3.75. I see that as a hudge difference, and a better reflection of my marking period</p>


<p>Yeah I know I probably typed alot of unwanted information, but I find it disturbing.</p>

<p>Yeah, but wouldn’t they see an 83% on your transcript? Or would they see a C+? If they saw the C+, then they will make it a 2.0 C. If they see an 83%, they’ll make it a 3.0 B. Umich will recalculate it according to their standards, so if it says 83%, they’ll make it a 3.0.</p>

<p>That would be very helpful in situations like this if my school listed percentages, but they don’t. There is just a show of your grade by 3.5, 4.0, 2.0 ( and ofcourse letter grade) etc… but not percentages.</p>

<p>Ha my school is like that too…
94-100 A
93-90 B+
89-84 B
83-80 C+ etc…</p>

<p>On our transcripts, they put the letter grade. But, they also put the grading scale on there so I don’t know how UMich would use that. Hopefully to my advantage haha doubt it though</p>

<p>I’m certain that they will see the letter grade instead of the percentage. It is up to the teacher’s discretion to gauge how difficult the grading scale to be. U of M has no business in that.</p>

<p>Ofcourse I know that it’s up to the teacher, determining grading scale. Although it doesn’t take much for a student(s) to know that a teacher grading scale is out of hand. I’m sure if you had/ have a teacher( or class) like such you would understand. Although I still think listing percentage is very helpful with out of hand grading scales like such.</p>

<p>coolbrezze, talk to your counselor about it. they could possibly mention it in the rec. </p>

<p>and in general, the school’s profile is sent with your rec materials, and sometimes that shows the grading scale (mine does).</p>