Just Wondering My Chances at UA

<p>I applied this week at UA and here’s what I got:
Sports -4 years varsity golf/3 years captain
-2 years volleyball
ec’s -variety show director
-student mentor
-education acedemy (student teaching class)
-4 years church weekly church drummer
Ok essay
Letter of recomendation from principle</p>

<p>I would say in</p>

<p>thanks taco, anyone else?</p>

<p>you have a pretty good chance, i'd say</p>

<p>I would bet that you're in...</p>

<p>thanks, i really hope i get in. I just found out now that my school is taking forever to send everything so the school hasn't actually gotten my application. Brutal...but another question for anyone at UA, what is the greek life like?</p>

<p>My son is planning to rush in January. He is a freshman, and feels like most of the fun stuff to do involves being in a frat-- even though only 10-15% of students are in the Greek system. They seem to be very active, with a pretty wide variety of houses and personalities.</p>

<p>you're in.</p>

<p>You're probably in but all they look at is residency, GPA, SAT/ACT.</p>

<p>its such an easy school for anyone. you are definitely in</p>

<p>not true. U of A is kinda hard to get into. That dude will get into zona though cuz he has good stats.</p>

<p>i got in, with 2 grand off a year, thanks for your guys support</p>

<p>congrats dude thats sick</p>

<p>do u think i could get in (im applying fall 08 im a junior now) with these stats
3.0 gpa
1500/2400 SAT (That was PSAT score my sat score will prob be 1700)
2 years basketball
2 years track
2 years cross country
100 community service hours</p>


<p>You cant apply for fall '08 if you are a junior. You have to wait till next school year. I think you mean fall of '09. In that case you have a good shot at getting in. You're GPA is a bit low and it will be lowered since UA uses their own way of calculating GPA. But if you can get your scores up I think you will be fine.</p>

<p>when i said im applying fall 08. i meant thats when im applying..obvs. for fall 09</p>

<p>thanks btw for ur response</p>