Kaplan SAT 2400 Error?

<p>Those who have the 2006 edition of the SAT 2400 by Kaplan, did you find that the answer to problem 31 in Chapter 5: Reading Comprehension is wrong? I thought it was D but the explanation said the answer was A, despite giving a ton of evidence supporting D. Is this an error in the book, or am I just approaching the problem incorrectly?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>This book absolutely sucked. It did not help at all. I'm not sure if that is an air since I don't have this book anymore... I returned it after seeing how many errors were in it. I suggest not using it and using some other material that would be more helpful.</p>

<p>I remembering hearing that the 2005 edition was horrible, but they improved it in the 2006 edition...
Is there anyway I can report this error to Kaplan, if it does turn out to be an error?</p>

<p>For those who have the 2006 edition, the question is on page 66 and the answer is on page 79.</p>

<p>I got the Kaplan 10 tests stuff....</p>

<p>I tend to like Kaplan's study guides ~_~ I haven't bumped into much, except when they put 1 practice's test's answers off by 1 because they missed 1 question ?</p>