Kelley Living Learning Center FAQ

<p>@BeTrue: Do the KLLC, just flat out better for your progress in the bschool. I’ve been an RA for both types of floors and I can tell you that the KLLC will be the right mix you’ll like. Also you won’t be missing any honor classes is you don’t live on an honors floor, unless there’s an honors class specific to the LLC.</p>

I’ve been admitted into KLLC and was wondering if AP scores on the AP Calculus BC exam carried over as college credit for some of the courses mentioned? Also, are there any extra expenses that come with living in KLLC rather than on a “regular” floor? I looked on the IU website and couldn’t find any information about prices. Thanks! :slight_smile:

@chiarafitzgerald Living in any LLC would cost you a $100 and look for AP Credits at IUB Website -