Kelley Standard Admission Chances

I’m eagerly awaiting my admissions decision to Kelley and was wondering what my chances look like with one blemish on the quest for all B’s or better.
1st Semester:
Finite: B-
Psych 102: A
BUS-K 160 (Very watered down version of K-201): A
Econ 201: A-
Spanish 280: A

2nd Semester
Compass 1 (1.5 credit hours): A-
Business Presentations: A
Jazz for the Listener: B+
BUS K-201: B+
BUS A-100: B
EDUC X 152 (1 credit class taken with accounting that gives homework to help better understand concepts): A-
Intro to Opera: A+

I believe this leaves my gpa around a mid to low 3.6, do you guys think this will be enough to push me through with that B- in finite?? Thanks for your response!

You are obviously a good student so I hope you dont get discouraged. I would speak with your advisors ASAP to get their thoughts. If you are Standard Admit you might need to get B’s across the board to make it work. So, make sure of that and change course as needed.


Have hope, be proactive, and know that you have good options. Other Great schools are available but not as stringent as IUB Kelley. Ball State Miller, IPFW Dohrmer etc. See what admissions at Kelley Indianapolis has to say.