<p>How long does it take for that damn Kelley letter? i got accepted to indiana like 3 1/2 weeks ago!!! If you didnt get in do they send you a rejection letter or just leave you hanging for years??? HOW LONG DID IT TAKE FOR PEOPLE TO RECEIVE THEIR KELLEY LETTER? did anyone who applied around late october or after get their kelley letters???</p>
<p>I was got my DA letter 3 weeks 2ish days after my acceptance. That was the online acceptance as well so after I got my IUB admit packet probably about 3 weeks exactly. That was mid october not late october though… Heard that there is a lot of rush with all the deadline apps but I dont know if that would affect the speed Kelley gets to you though.</p>
<p>You should know if you got it though, I think its like 3.8 UWGPA and 29 ACT or something like that, I know they have it on website.</p>
<p>I’d wait till after 4 or 5 weeks before freaking out, then you could always call and see whats up.</p>
<p>oo…so thats how it works?? i thot u’re out for kelley if there is nothing abt direct admit to kelley notice in ur admission packet. guess im wrong. fine…i’ll wait for some time. my SAT’s 1340/1600, which is higher than the 1270 stated…does it mean that i have a chance?</p>
<p>AHAH! i found the answer to my own question… apparently since there are so many people applying we have to wait 4-6 weeks…sighhh heres the link for anyone interested… [Kelley’s</a> Admissions Blog](<a href=“http://kelleyadmit.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/]Kelley’s”>http://kelleyadmit.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/)</p>
<p>you should if you meet the criteria on the website [Future</a> IU Freshmen: Admissions: Undergraduate Program: Kelley School of Business: Indiana University Bloomington](<a href=“Undergraduate | Bachelor's Degree in Business | Indiana Kelley”>Undergraduate | Bachelor's Degree in Business | Indiana Kelley)</p>
<p>I didn’t get mine until today, and I was accepted more than a month ago!</p>
<p>was it a letter/ email/ or something online in ur account?(next to the Congratulatios, u’ve been admitted…" stuff)?</p>
<p>yay! i got into kelley! i got a seperate letter about 6 1/2 weeks after i got my admit packet…annoying how it takes so long</p>
<p>can you change your major before you attened and get admitted into kelly?
i put down linguistics but now i want to switch to business…</p>
<p>Yes Lightening, you can. In order to do this, however, you must contact admissions and notify them of your change in order to be directly admitted to the Kelley School. However, if you do not qualify for for direct admission or do not wish to petition, than it is less pressing to make the change.</p>