Kenyon College English majors—current student or parent perspective

Kenyon is one of DD23’s final choices. A recent opinion piece in the Kenyon newspaper complains about the difficulty of getting into creative writing classes. If there are any Kenyon students or parents reading this, I’d love to know if this has been your experience as well. Thanks!

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You might have your student ask to speak with a student ambassador for another perspective. They are usually quite honest and open.

Good luck in finding info.

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Our daughter is a current sophomore. Kenyon accepted larger than usual classes last year and the year before, so there has been some difficulty for students to get into the most in-demand classes. (Anecdotally we have heard this is the case at quite a few LACs.) Our daughter is a psych major, which is a very popular major, and she’s been able to get classes that she wants/needs, with a little bit of effort and communication with professors. You do have to be proactive. I agree that your student reach out to admissions and ask to speak with someone in that area. Ours did that before she made her final decision, and the psych major she connected with was very honest about pros and cons.


My daughter was an English major with a creative writing concentration. She was able to get into all the courses she needed, but she graduated in 2020, before the increase in enrollment. I agree with what’s been stated above, reach out to the school and see if they will connect you with a current student. I will say that the English department more than lived up to my daughter’s expectations. She had a phenomenal educational experience at Kenyon.


That’s good to hear! Yes, we’ll reach out and request to talk to an English major. Great idea.