Kenyon Review Young Writers Workshop vs. Brown Writing Summer Course

<p>I'm a junior right now and plan to enroll in a summer workshop. I want to apply to the Kenyon Review Young Writers Workshop, which is an overnight program that lasts for two weeks and seems really fun, but my mom wants me to enroll in this seven week summer class at Brown called "Introduction to Creative Non-Fiction," which counts for college credit. The grading system is pass/fail. Both programs are prestigous, but I was wondering which one would look better for college. I also plan to major in something related to English. Which course should I take?</p>

<p>Neither program is really prestigious–they are both open enrollment as long as you have decent grades, can write coherently, and can afford the very expensive fee. So take whichever course appeals to you the most; for college they will both have negligible impact.</p>

<p>My daughter attended Kenyon Young Writers last summer, after her junior year, and loved it. She has been to four summer writing programs during high school and Kenyon was the one she enjoyed most. My understanding is that it is quite competitive. Check with Kenyon but I believe that they accept about 1/3 of those who apply. I know that they maintain a waitlist, because my daughter was on the waitlist after her sophomore year. Good luck.</p>

<p>^ Interesting. Kenyon’s price does not correlate with its competitiveness, then. Usually programs that cost >$1000 per week are for-profit.</p>

<p>I heard that the Kenyon writing program is pretty competitive? Could someone clear this up?</p>

<p>consider the iowa young writers studio as well. it’s quite similar to kenyon’s program. the difference is that its counselors and instructors are graduates of the Iowa Writers Workshop, so you know that youre always surrounded by brilliant and talented writers.<br>
(im sure kenyon is good too, though. i havent been to that one but i hear its pretty awesome.)</p>

<p>My daughter is considering the same options. Does anyone have an opinion regarding which are the best regarded summer writing programs for high school age writers?</p>