Kind of envelopes used for recs?

<p>A friend last year used the common app but also had big yellow envelopes, which I assume he used for his recommendations.</p>

<p>Also, does one of the two recs have to come from a counselor? Or in the same respect, does one have to come from a math/science teacher and the other one from a Humanities teacher? In fact, on the common app, it doesn't specify which teachers you are suggested to send the recs</p>

<p>Third, are you suppose/allowed to read the recommendations?</p>

<p>Use the large yellow envelopes so that you don't have to fold pages.</p>

<p>Most schools want 2 teacher and 1 counselor rec. However there are schools that want 1 or no teacher recs, so you have to check the individual college websites to be sure. Some people like to send recs from one math/science and one humanities teacher so show they are well rounded, but it is up to you and your individual situation. Just make sure they are from academic subjects.</p>

<p>You should sign the statement that says that you will not read the recommendations.</p>

<p>oh no my counselor is using the small ones for her rec with the school letter head. and i already gave four small ones to one of my teachers. haven't gotten the other stuff out yet, i'm so behind! should i go out and buy big yellow envelopes for ALL my colleges or just the ones that specifically ask for it?</p>

<p>^^I don't think it really matters what type of envelope you use (small white ones or big yellow ones). Some people can't afford to buy an assortment of envelopes and colleges (I suppose) will not penalize applicants for using the small ones at the expense of bent papers. Just ask your recommender to fold neatly...</p>

<p>I don't think you'll be penalized for using small envelopes. I recommend large ones as a courtesy more than anything else. There is at least one school that does request large envelopes, but any school that does will clearly state their preference on their website.</p>