Kind of lame game

Find the most frighteningly disgusting image of an insect or other invertebrate on Wikipedia that you can, and post it. </p>

<p>Winner gets praised by me and possibly other CCers</p>

<p>My pic:</p>

<p>File:Knights.weta.750pix.jpg</a> - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p>

<p>I’ve been too scared to click on links ever since that pic of what Splonk’s feet might look like if he didn’t buy a potato peeler… :/</p>

<p>I didn’t look at that lol</p>

<p>it’s not that bad, just playing the game</p>

<p>I did…be glad you didn’t…</p>

<p>Ugh. A lot of insects make my trypophobia act up :P</p>

<p>I think the little guy is kinda cute. :]</p>

<p>…but if it were a spider, I’d be freaked the hell out.</p>

<p>mwahaha </p>

<p>[File:Jumping</a> Spider.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“]File:Jumping”>File:Jumping Spider.jpg - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>oh god :open_mouth: </p>

<p>It’s the hair <em>~</em></p>

<p>You know, I’m not going to click something titled “Jumping Spider.”</p>

<p>what it makes it worse is that it could jump on you when you least expect it</p>

<p>Maple!!! -_-</p>

<p>Aww don’t offend the jumping spider. They’re just curious and inquisitive.</p>

<p>Has anyone ever seen that show that I can’t remember the name of with the people who get parasites and nasty bug bites, and vermin crawling under their skin? It’s on Animal Planet I think.
That picture reminded me of that.</p>

<p>It also reminded me of Hoarders.</p>

<p>just thinking about these pictures gets me all itchy :(((((</p>

<p>I think the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen is that show on Animal Planet or Discovery Channel (sorry, I seriously can’t remember any of their names) where that guy who’s kind of like they guy on Man vs. Wild but not him, purposefully ingested a tape worm and filmed himself… “passing” it.</p>

<p>lol eating a tape worm sounds like fun</p>

<p>^ ew gross :{</p>

<p>[The</a> stunning pictures of sleeping insects covered in early morning dew | Mail Online](<a href=“The stunning pictures of sleeping insects covered in early morning dew | Daily Mail Online”>The stunning pictures of sleeping insects covered in early morning dew | Daily Mail Online)</p>

<p>maybe I do not win…, but it is cool</p>


<p>That is REALLY COOL. How do you sneak up on an insect? I used to be able to, but not anymore. Only the really brave ones, like ladybugs.</p>

<p>^^Why do you have a moustache, O new member??</p>

<p>^ because I’m Jesus?</p>