Kiwi deciding on UC campus

<p>Hey guys and girls</p>

<p>I’m a 3rd year New Zealand Uni student looking to travel over over and study in one of the UC campuses for a semester. I am not too fussed on the academic side of things and am just going purely for the experience. Essentially, partying, drinking, adventures etc etc…</p>

<p>I cant seem to find much info on the differences between the unis other than the obvious facts like Berkeley superior in academics and UCSB being party central.</p>

<p>If someone could please provide me with a QUICK and simple blurb on each of the UC campuses that would be wicked. So far UCSB sounds like the one, but I will need some backups.</p>

<p>Also - I will need to sort accomodation and don’t want to be stuck in some international’s halls of residence which is boring as hell. Is it possible to just join up with a frat? Whats the usual deal with halls of residence? are they normally rowdy (drinking and partying wise)? or what are my other options?</p>

<p>Thanks a mill for any help that is provided, will check this thread reguarly</p>


<p>If you haven’t seen this, it’s a start.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Know anything about New Zealand Unis in visual arts?</p>

<p>If you’re going purely for the experience, UCSB clearly would be your best choice, perhaps followed by UCD and/or UCLA. The other tend to be either commuter schools and/or drab environments.</p>

<p>If you’re more of a beach person, go with UCSB.
If you’re more of a rural person, go with UCD.
If you’re more of an urban person, go with UCLA.</p>

<p>If you happen to be Asian, possibly consider UCI.</p>

<p>UCB has good public transit; the Bay Area Rapid Transit System covers the whole region. It’s really the only UC where it’s easy to get around the area without a car. UCSB and UCD are relatively isolated and UCSD is more isolated than you’d think. The bus system isn’t particularly good. UCLA and UCI aren’t far from rail links. </p>

<p>There are major weather differences between northern and southern California–northern Cal is cooler and less dry. All of the UCs in S. Calif are in coastal desert zones. UCLA is on the west side of Los Angeles, where the air quality is better, so the smog usually isn’t bad–it’s there, though. </p>

<p>The Bay area (San Francisco-Oakland) has a more urbane-cosmopolitan/international culture. Southern California is more provincial, even LA which has been aptly described as “seven suburbs in search of a city.” On campus theater is outstanding at UCI, UCSD, and UCLA. UCB and UCLA have good American college football. UCI has great baseball, volleyball and water sports with excellent pro ice hockey nearby. UCSD has hang gliding. San Diego has a good pro American football team and decent amateur rugby. UCD has the most sheep :)</p>

<p>All the campuses having partying and drinking, so you cant really narrow it down with just that. It seems like the academic component of your study is not that important and UCSB and UCSC are both schools with a reputation for partying.
UCLA also has a reputation for massive parties and drinking, however it is a much more challenging school academically.</p>