Knowing faculty/professors??

<p>What happens if you have "a guy (or gal) on the inside"- i.e. you have studied with/worked for/know on a personal basis a fully tenured professor at a University you're applying to?</p>

<p>To anyone who has ever had this situation: did you ask them to contact the admissions office, ask them to write an "official" letter of recommendation, ask them to write a letter to the adcoms "unofficially," or use some other tactic? </p>

<p>Will this have any sort of weight in admissions? In athletics, coaches provide lists of the players they most want....if a particular prof "wants" a student, can that sway the adcoms at all? What if the prof is well known by not necessarily from the school ur applying to (so prof is from uni X and you're applying to uni Z)?</p>

<p>I realize it's a somewhat obscure question so any input is much appreciated.</p>

<p>I don't know about any inside help -- at some college it may help, at others it may offend the adcoms.</p>

<p>I would most definitely have the professor write a letter of recommendation -- official -- with plenty of details. the nice thing about this is that the adcoms feel they can rely on the professor's comments as to your abilities.</p>


<p>ps: since when is there a minimum number of characters needed to post? Geez, CC is getting totalitarian.</p>