<p>Pardon my ignorance, but might anyone know how knowledge is tested?</p>
<p>Also, a cadet told me that the USMA Plebe Summer handbook's text was available online (apparently something separate from "Bugle Notes"). Does anyone know anything about the difference between the two and where I might be able to find the former?</p>
<p>Upperclassmen test your knowledge verbally - in the hallways, during table duty, laundry duty etc. Be prepared to get fit doing PT if your knowledge is lacking... A good way to improve fitness ;)</p>
<p>New cadets are issued knowledge books during Beast - I don't think the text is available online. The knowledge that is required varies from year to year, but there are some common elements. The Bugle Notes that are available online are probably all you need if you want to get a head start on learning. There is some debate about how much you should learn beforehand. Some will tell you it is a good idea (less stress when you are there and time to help your buddies), others will say there is enough time to learn it during Beast and that standing out as the only one who know it all is not a good thing. An individual choice I guess.</p>