Kubiak Clifford for CHEM 6C

<p>Anyone heard about this professor? I googled him and seems he has been for long time with UCSD and takes chairmen position, but nothing in ratemyrpofessor about him as professor.</p>

<p>That’s because he hasn’t taught any significant amount since the inception of ratemyprofessor.com</p>

<p>but if you’ve been doing your research, i think you know who’s the best.</p>

<p>well, I did my research and know who is the best, but unfortunately since my appoitment assignment time very late there is no chance I can get in Johnson class, even close in waiting list, its why I’m looking at all options</p>

<p>Johnson’s good, but she’s pretty darn hard :/</p>

<p>Weird, I thought people liked her class because it was easier compared to other professors? Her exams are pretty straightforward and her explanations in class are almost always crystal clear. </p>

<p>I took one of her classes and TAed for her twice, never had complaints about it being too hard.</p>

<p>She probably increased her difficulty. I’m pretty sure that professors get feedback in respect to how difficult they are. This is probably what happened with Czworkowski since people before claimed him to be easy but then this year he got more difficulty complaints. Personally I didn’t find him too overwhelming, it’s probably just the increase of kids who strive for the easiest route to med school and get let down.</p>

<p>Cliff was at Purdue back in 1980’s</p>

<p>way to resurrect a 2 year old thread …</p>