<p>is it difficult to take phys 2cl before phys 2bl and chem 6bl? is the general order of the lab courses: chem 6bl --> phys 2bl --> phys 2cl?</p>
<p>chemistry labs have NOTHING to do with physics labs, except that 2bl/2cl teaches you some skills you'll use in 105A.</p>
<p>I would take 2bl then 2cl if possible, b/c you "formally" learn error analysis only in 2bl. However if it is easier/more convenient to take 2cl first then I would just take that class first.</p>
<p>they reteach it in 2cl, nothing to worry about ... and it isn't even that hard</p>
<p>is "error analysis" difficult? are there any places i can learn about it before the class starts? like any recommended books? or should i just start with ch 1 of the required txtbk (Intro To Error Analysis, 2 Edition by taylor)?</p>
<p>i would take phys 2bl but i'm currently enrolled in phys 2cl and there are waitlists for 2bl :(</p>
<p>Yea, the intro to error analysis book pretty much explains all you need to know. I wouldn't worry about it until the class starts.</p>
<p>sorry this is kind of unrelated but...as a freshman should i be taking some sort of labs this quarter? all of my friends at other schools have labs but i dont. did i just enroll wrong or are labs something you take at the end of a series (i am taking chem 6b, math 20b, and bild 3)?</p>
<p>NO LABS for those classes. There are no labs offered for lower division biology, and for chem there is only one lab called chem 6bl which is taken after chem 6b.</p>
<p>so for med school, we would have to take 3 quarters of upper division bio labs to fulfill the 1 yr requirement?</p>
<p>1 academic year = 2 semesters = 3 quarters</p>
<p>Many other universities have integrated lab and lecture courses, so they have a small lab component with all (or many…) lecture classes. That is why many of your friends from other schools are probably taking labs so early and you are not.</p>