LAC's in the Northeast with Good Art Programs?

<p>I currently have nearly all art schools on my list, and I really want to add some LAC's, because I'm not 100% for the BFA degree. Recently I've been getting more into Anthropology and the like, and while I don't think I want to major in it, I definitely want to minor. I still want to major in art, concentrating in Communication Design/Graphic Design, though the BA degree is looking more appealing. I'm not too fond of a rigid curriculum (which unfortunately is at most art schools), and would like to have more of an open curriculum. I'd prefer to be near/in a city, and preferably near the ocean. I've tried searching with College Board, but it seems that almost every LAC is in the middle of nowhere and religiously affiliated, which I don't want at all. </p>

1830 on SAT (640/630/560/8 on essay)
28 on ACT (27/28/28/27/10 on essay)
3.9/4.0 GPA (unweighted)
AP World - 5/APUSH - 4/AP Lang. - 4/AP Psych - 5/taking AP Lit and AP Euro this year
Girl Scouts, Marching Band, Pit Band, Jazz Band, National Honors Society, Art Honors Society, Literary Club
NY resident</p>

AIB at Lesley
CUNY City College (not sure of yet)
Connecticut College (The only LAC so far)
FIT (Anthro minor not available, here for financial reasons)
Pratt (may ditch because of stiff curriculum, idk)
SUNY Purchase </p>

<p>tl;dr I'm not sure of the BFA degree anymore, and I'm looking for a somewhat small LAC offering a BA in art, with a concentration in Graphics/Communication Design. Anthropology must be offered, and I'd prefer if the college was near the Atlantic and civilization. Thanks!</p>

<p>look at Skidmore, Sarah Lawrence and Goucher. I’m not sure if LACs will have that particular concentration, though.</p>

<p>Earlier when I was browsing College Board, I spotted some with both Communications and Anthro, but unfortunately they were either religiously affiliated or in the middle of nowhere. =/</p>

<p>Though I will check your suggestions out. Thanks! :D</p>

<p>Didnt you have Temple on your list before?</p>

<p>night, you may have too many restrictions on your wishlist. Which one would you be willing to compromise on?</p>

<p>Many LACs have good art departments but few have a design, communications or new media focus. For traditional studio art plus good academics I would look at:
Wesleyan, Haverford (may be reaches)
Smith, Skidmore (in lively small towns)
Conn College (you’ve already got it)
Barnard (not known for art, but hey it’s New York)</p>

<p>I know you said no “middle of nowhere” but I’m still going to mention Williams. Excellent studio art and art history, excellent academics, lots of music performance opportunities for non-majors *and *they support Scouts.</p>

<p>Your scores may be problematic for some of the reachier schools, but your grades and ECs should compensate. I’d suggest that you re-take the SATs. Definitely submit an art portfolio and consider a music performance tape as well.</p>

<p>Aah sorry. D: I might be willing to compromise on the ocean thing, it’s not too important, I just would enjoy it. If the religious affiliation isn’t prominent at all on the campus, I would definitely compromise on that. I just don’t want religion to be too much of an influence. </p>

<p>Thanks, I’ll research those, too. Any more suggestions? =)</p>

<p>@ diontechristmas - I did originally, but I removed it because the large size wasn’t appealing to me, and I didn’t like all the Gen. Ed requirements. =/</p>

<p>Skidmore, Ithaca, Connecticut College, maybe Bates, maybe Bowdoin (both would be reaches)</p>



<p>Eh they’re not too bad, we have a ton of options.</p>

<p>Goucher is looking really nice, I think I’m going to add it. =)</p>

<p>Thanks, guys! Any more?</p>

<p>Someone on my floor transferred here from Goucher :P</p>

<p>@diontechristmas - Do you know why they transferred? </p>

<p>Btw, any more suggestions are welcome! =)</p>

<p>Nah. During our floor icebreaker, that was their fact-about-me. If I find out, I’ll let you know.</p>

<p>@ diontechristmas - Thanks!</p>

<p>Anyways, bump.</p>