LACs with good science deps...plz help!!!

<p>I'm trying to narrow down my list. now i have like 25 of them and they're all generous with aid for intls which is a big thing for me.</p>

<p>Second big thing is that I wanna go to college with really good science deps
I heard that some in my list have good natural/physical science falculties but I'm not sure about the rest.</p>

<p>Are Macalester, Grinnell, Centre, Vassar, Cloby, Bates, Hamilton, Lafayette good for me? </p>

<p>Any more school suggested?</p>

<p>Harvey Mudd is really good... but gives only a few scholarships to outstanding students.</p>

<p>only 2 every year.</p>

<p>lake forest,it has a fantastic chemistry department.biology is not bad's very generous.i got a full tuition scholarship and i love it here!</p>