Language Requirement in business school?

Is their a language requirement if you are in the business school does anyone know. Thanks

No, there isn’t.

Here is the wording on the Gabelli Core requirement page (from the website):

"…This is what the Gabelli School’s liberal arts core teaches you.

Thirteen courses to unlock the world.

At Fordham, business students take a robust 13-course liberal arts core curriculum that complements the integrated business core. This dual education sets you apart.

You will be a businessperson. But you will also be a writer. A thinker. A historian. And a very interesting human being.

Here’s what you can expect to take, in addition to your business courses:
Freshman year
Economics: Basic Macroeconomics
Economics: Basic Microeconomics
Economics: Statistics I
English: Composition II
Fine Arts: Choose among courses such as Art History, Opera, or Urbanism
History: Choose one course in the “Understanding Historical Change” group
Math: Math for Business—Finite
Math: Math for Business—Calculus
Philosophy: Philosophy of Human Nature
Theology: Faith and Critical Reason

Sophomore and junior years
English: Texts and Contexts
Philosophy: Philosophical Ethics
Theology: Choose one course in the “Sacred Texts and Traditions” group "