Lanier scholarship

<p>Does anyone know about this scholarship? It was originally for kids from certain areas in Georgia, but evidently it was rolled into the Cornelius Vanderbilt. Website lists an old application only. Son called Vanderbilt admissions to inquire and was told that no additional application was necessary and now he finds out that another student with lesser stats is a finalist. Vandy was his top choice and he needs a scholarship to attend. Very confusing/disappointing!</p>

<p>anyone? :)</p>

<p>The Lanier Scholarship is still for those seven (?) counties in the Atlanta area. However, like they say on the site, it is now under the Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholarship. If you live in one of the counties to which the Lanier applies, you are considered for that rather than the Cornelius (that was my understanding).</p>

<p>For example, I lived in Rockdale, applied for the Cornelius, but received an invite to the Lanier interview instead.</p>

<p>Now about your son and the recipient with lesser stats…
Did they attend the same school? have the same extracurriculars? How was his essay? Lots of factors go into the decision, but I’m sure you already know that.</p>

<p>Just remember that he can still have an amazing college experience wherever, and a cheaper one too. I didn’t get the Lanier after the interview, but I was compensated with a half-scholarship. Meaning I still had 30k a year to pay. I’m happier at UGA now than I feel I ever could have been at Vandy, even though it was once my #1.</p>