Laptop security

<p>Do students use laptop locks? </p>

<p>Also, so they use those personal safes? I know the desks lock, and you should lock the doors and all that, I was just wondering if I should add these things to the ever-growing list o’ stuff.</p>

<p>I don’t think kids use those locks…at least not in the private room suites.</p>

<p>D did not use a laptop lock, but she did have a personal safe that she kept her medications, spare checkbook and other documents inside.</p>

<p>The desk doesn’t have anything to lock, but the cabinet has a place for a combination lock. I’m not sure it was necessary since she locked her door, but she did use a combination lock on her cabinet to secure her laptop and valuables. There are times when someone will enter the student’s bedrooms while they are not present to perform safety inspections of the smoke detectors and so forth. She never had an issue with anything missing or anything though. Not all of the dorms have the locking cabinet.</p>

<p>Silly Busymom64, Cam Newton is an Auburn Alumn.</p>

<p>It is allowed to have a small safe and it is probably a good idea to have one, especially if there are prescription drugs in the student’s room, or valuables like a passport, or other hard to replace items.</p>

<p>Always keep your bedroom door locked, so items don’t just walk away. You may know the friends that you have into your suite but do you know the friends that your roommates have in? Better safe than sorry, be proactive and get into the habit of locking your door. Make sure that your roommates lock the main door whenever they leave</p>

<p>What’s the largest ‘thing’ that could fit into the locking drawer/unit (in Riverside dorm), if anyone knows? I.e., how big of a computer would fit in there?</p>

<p>The Ridgecrest West dorms had a lockable cabinet that was approx. the size of a small file cabinet IIRC. Not sure if Riverside has the same cabinet.</p>

<p>Riverside does not have a locking unit, it only has a regular drawer and an open space below.</p>

<p>In addition to physical security measures, I would recommend Prey:</p>

<p>[Open</a> source anti-theft solution for your laptop, phone and tablet – Prey](<a href=“]Open”></p>

<p>Silly Busymom64, Cam Newton is an Auburn Alumn.</p>

<p>ha ha…I was thinking a similar thing. I was going to say that the only kid I’ve known to have a laptop stolen was a $cam Newton UFlorida student. </p>

<p>BTW…$cam really isn’t an AU alum. Going to AU for 1 or 2 semesters, certainly not graduating, doesn’t make one an alum. I’m not even sure he ever declared a major there. lol</p>

<p>Lol, he probably took the least amount of classes possible. I actually saw a student down there when I was on a visit, he had a “Cam Newton Stole My Laptop” T-shirt. Very funny.</p>

<p>Hey, maybe he has my camera charger, I can’t find that thing anywhere.</p>

<p>Thank you for that link! (to Prey)</p>

I’m getting conflicting info here about Riverside locking “item”.</p>

<p>The UA Housing website says the Riverside dorm room has a “Desk, with locking unit”. If any of you are in Riverside West, weigh in if there is or is not a separate locking unit or just a locking drawer or just something that requires a combo lock. I just really want to know how big the space is that CAN be locked,but not sure how to interpret what has already been said about this in this thread…</p>

<p>[Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>After S’s MacBook pro was stolen the last week of Jr year in HS we now have laptop insurance through Safeware(?) $169/ year. It doesn’t cover international though. I’m checking to see if I can add that. I don’t know anyone who has made a claim however.</p>