Laptops; Mac v PC

<p>A recent post (<a href=“[/url]”></a>) asked about laptop sizes, but which is better for a freshman AND WHY? I heard PC’s are more compatible and better for word documents, while Mac is good for entertainment type of programs. If that is the case, why wouldn’t a PC be a no-brainer?</p>

<p>Not true. Both PCs and Macs are equally compatible with .doc files. PCs have Microsoft Word, while Macs can use either Works or Word. Even if you prefer neither of those, there are tons of open source programs that you can download and find which one you prefer.</p>

<p>Honestly, I think it comes down to what you prefer and what is more suitable for you. I don't have too much information on this, but from a few friends that go to ASU, they say that all the programming courses are focused around PCs, though they are slowly transitioning to a system of both PCs and Macs, so I'm making the assumption it's the same at UA. </p>

<p>Honestly, if you plan on gaming, go with a PC, but in all other practical purposes, I find that a Mac is a lot more convenient, efficient, and nice in terms of hardware.</p>

<p>If style doesn't matter to you, go with a PC laptop (probably HP or Toshiba) with some decent specs and install leopard, and roll with boot camp. Get the best of both worlds by getting the efficiency of the Mac and the compatibility of a PC.</p>