Last Day of High School

<p>...last day of learning was in about November here... hehe.</p>

<p>Fiterace87, I'm looking forward to what I can do when I actually show up to school and pay attention... both of which I imagine I'll be doing at the Academy.</p>

<p>True that. I am usually pretty good about paying attention in school, but sometimes it is such a drag...and since I received my appointment in November I have found it very hard to not get sucked too much into the senioritis outbreak that is plagueing my school. My grades are still fine though, so I guess I'm not doing too badly...;) I'm looking forward to seeing how the academics at USNA compare (both good and bad) to my high school classes.</p>

<p>i think the "pay attention" factor will be smaller than you think, since midshipmen have perfected the art of falling asleep in any position in any class.</p>

<p>Ah, yes! An art indeed!</p>

<p>I once fell asleep on my feet. Unreal what you can do when you're tired...</p>

<p>If I could only sleep with my eyes'd be amazing. </p>

<p>I did my last homework assignment tonight, make a paper cow for COWculus and decorate it with some type of theme. Mine is a midshipman, i just hope someone will recognize that!</p>

<p>wheelah...when I was first married to John and we were at a meeting at times I'd notice him stand up suddenly. I thought he was being quite rude until he explained the USNA training he got - that if you're going to fall asleep in class you'd better STAND UP first! To this day he does that at boring meetings at church or civic events. Fortunately we usually sit in the back, so it's no big deal. You can't EVER take the USNA out of a guy. :-)</p>

<p>If he drops into pushup position, then it's a REALLY boring meeting! ;)</p>

<p>Don't laugh Z....he's done that to me at home once or twice! I never thought about it until you just mentioned it!</p>

<p>That is so wild peskemom. We had a guy in our old Sunday school class who use to just stand up out of the blue (usually during a long-winded disertation by the teacher). Now I'm wondering if he had the same reflex action as John.</p>

<p>my last day of classes was on excited for naps to start in august</p>

<p>My freshman health teacher (also a basketball coach). She made us to push-ups/sit-ups/jumping jacks before class to wake us up. She would make people to sit-ups/push-ups/jumping jacks if they started to fall asleep or if they got an answer wrong. </p>

<p>I read somewhere that standing up helps the brain process information. I walked into the middle school once this year, and I was surprised to see a boy standing in the back. I asked about it and the teacher said that the boy had to stay awake, so he doesn't get to sit.</p>

<p>Oh, and I finally graduated last night! (But I still have to show up to school to drop off my brother until Wednesday, and since we live 35-40 minutes away, I just hang out there.)</p>