last minute chances (Stanford, Yale, Columbia, etc.)

<p>for Stanford (deferred for EA), Yale, Columbia, UPenn, Brown, JHU, and UC Berkeley</p>

<p>Vietnamese female from California
high school: not very competitive, only 1-2 kids go to Stanford each year in terms of prestigious colleges
major: biochemistry</p>

<p>GPA: 3.977/4.0, 4.5/5 (rank 5/670, top <1%)
SAT: 800M/680CR/720W (2200 composite)
PSAT: 221 - National Merit Finalist
SAT IIs: Math2: 800, Chem: 740</p>

<p>Currently taking 4 APs (Biology, Statistics, US Government, English Lit). total taken: 8 (took every AP offered but spanish, art, and physics; taking the most rigorous schedule)
AP: Calc BC-5, Chemistry-5, World History-4, US History-3</p>

<p>Deferred for EA </p>

-Varsity swimming for 3 years (freshman-junior year)
-revived moribund JSA chapter: president for 2 years (junior-senior) - became one of the fastest growing and most active clubs on campus; attended numerous regional conventions
-Interact (community service club) for 4 years: officer for 2 years, currently VP - did a bunch of fundraisers for International Projects and did 150+ hours of community service
-school newspaper staff: was Asst. Editor junior year, currently News Editor (2nd highest position after Editor in Chief)
-school orchestra for 2 years: concertmaster (1st chair violinist)
-part of renowned local youth symphony for 2 years: toured Eastern Europe in summer of 2007
-CSF for 4 years
-13 years of piano (numerous awards, but nothing groundbreaking)
-12 years of violin </p>

<p>recs: great
essays: good, but not the best :(</p>

<p>other awards: ap scholar with honor, various local leadership awards and scholarships</p>

<p>Although I do a lot of different things, nothing really stands out. The scary thing is that after being deferred, I got my first and only B first semester. Stupid AP Lit, I had the highest B+, but teacher doesn't round!</p>

<p>....Lets just say being from cali myself ..UCB and Stanford I wouldn't count on.
Yale.. I wouldn't either. Even Brown and Columbia are reaches. You have no safeties on that list and no offense but your stats aren't the best either, I would recommend you have a safey.</p>

<p>London, the OP probably does have safeties, but would like to know hir [last minute] chances at schools of preference.
Just wait :)</p>

<p>Hmm. It's a toss-up. I disagree with LondonIsCold about UC Berkeley- I think you have a pretty good chance at Berkeley considering the fact that you're actually from California. </p>

<p>However, if your essays are just "good," then it doesn't really differentiate you from the pool as a whole. All of your schools are rather difficult schools to get into. I do agree with LondonIsCold- I hope you did apply to a safety school because otherwise, you might get screwed over. Good luck though. :)</p>

<p>um, what? i dont see anythign wrong with her stats..</p>

um, what? i dont see anythign wrong with her stats..


<p>That's kind of what I thought too.... Although I do think that the essays might bring her down.</p>

<p>I'm not quite sure why LondonIsCold said that I could get in OOS with pretty equal stats.</p>

<p>thanks everyone!</p>

<p>actually, i just got into ucla and got regents scholar at san diego and davis, so yes, i do have quite a few safeties. :) thanks for the feedback though.</p>

<p>i bet you will get into at least one of them</p>

<p>I think you wil get at least one of them also. Your scores are not fabulous, though being from Cali certainly helps with UCB. ;)</p>