<p>Hey guys,</p>
<p>So I'm a senior right now and I just decided a few weeks ago that I want to do Electrical Engineering for my undergrad major. My initial choice was finance. Unfortunately, since we had to decide classes for senior year in junior year, I did not chooce AP phsyics as one of my classes since my major of choice was finance at that time. </p>
<p>My classes now are:
Electronics and Robotics I
AP Statistics
AP Compuetr Science A
Ap Calculus BC
Honors Language
Intro to law
Business Law
and gym</p>
<p>Last year some of my classes were:
Honors Physics
AP Calculus AB
AP Biology</p>
<p>so, do you think that not having AP physics will hurt me into getting into engineering programs such as those of Purdue, Umich, CMU, UIUC, etc?</p>
I am in the top 10% of my class and let's say that my SAT score is 2200+</p>
<p>I know that most engineering students enter UIUC without AP Physics.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t worry about it.</p>
<p>Thanks! Sorry for my atrocious spelling, by the way. I was typing really fast.</p>
<p>You don’t need AP anything for engineering. All you need is:</p>
<p>1) Trigonometry by 1st semester of 12th grade…and
2) Regular 'ole high-school Physics in 12th grade</p>
<p>That’s it.</p>
<p>A good slide rule helps too.</p>
<p>ooops. wrong century.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t worry about it. You’re far ahead of me, and a lot of other people that I know who are majoring in engineering, when it comes to HS courses taken.</p>
<p>When I was in HS (Which I didn’t finish btw) I thought I was going to go into medicine later in life. I took healthcare classes, biology, anatomy, etc. I didn’t take a physics class… at all, of any kind. I may have a slightly more difficult time, because I have to start out taking things more slowly (Like taking precalc and a physics class at the CC) but I have no doubt that I’ll do good, and if you try, you’ll do fine as well.</p>
<p>ME undergrad, btw; but I feel that it still applies.</p>
<p>Edit: Oops, sorry. I didn’t notice the “so, do you think that not having AP physics will hurt me into getting into engineering programs such as those of Purdue, Umich, CMU, UIUC, etc?” part until after I answered. Of course I’m not going to any of those schools, but regardless, I wouldn’t worry about it.</p>
<p>Not an issue. You are already in a higher academic program. Some small high schools don’t even teach Physics.</p>
<p>If you are concerned, pick up an old copy of Resnick and Halliday and go through the first 14 chapters on your own, time permitting.</p>
<p>AP Physics (if u don’t do test out) just makes college physics super, super easy</p>
<p>Some Engineering programs prefer student that have been taking the most challenging courses available. But at this point your senior schedule is what it is. Apply to a variety of colleges and see what happens. Good luck!</p>