Last minute help

I'm looking for a school with both an exceptional Econ department(prefer it to be heavily quantitative) and a quality Chinese/East Asian studies department. Im a transfer student, so transfer friendly universities are a plus.</p>

<p>cant recommend without knowing your stats</p>

<p>Current freshman at American University in Washington DC, double majoring in BA International Relations/BS Economics.</p>

<p>Not Applying for Financial Aid</p>

First Semester: 15 Credits(3.6)</p>

<p>Leadership Gateway(required P/F) - Pass</p>

<p>Cross Cultural Communication - A-
World Politics - A
China,Japan, and the US - A
Intensive Elementary Chinese I - B</p>

<p>Second Semester: 15 Credits</p>

<p>Intermediate Microeconomics
Business/Econ Statistics
Western Legal Tradition
Intensive Elementary Chinese 2</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:</p>

<p>Secretary of American Parliamentary Debate Association Team
Member of APDA Team(3 Novice Speaker Awards, Novice team placed at 2 tournaments), league consists of basically all northeastern LAC's and Ivy's.</p>

<p>College Libertarians</p>

<p>Intramural Basketball</p>

<p>High School:
White Male from north suburbs in Atlanta</p>

<p>Competitive Public High School(top 5 in GA)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.5 UW, 3.75 W</p>

<p>SAT: 2100 (740 M, 680 V, 680 W)</p>

<p>SAT II's -
U.S Hist - 740
Math - 690
Writing - 690</p>

<p>Rank: about top 15%</p>

AP National Scholar Senior Year</p>

<p>World - 5
U.S - 5
Eng Lang -3
Europe - 5
Biology - 4
Human Geography - 5
Macro - 4
Environmental Science - 4
Micro - 4
Calc AB - 4
English Lit - 4
Art History - 4
US gov - 5
Comparative Gov - 5</p>

<p>Honor Graduate, National Honors Society Graduate, Beta Service Graduate.</p>

Policy Debate(some placing, some speaker awards, lots of NFL points) 9,10
Gov Connection(started club, president, been in the AJC quite a few times, passed legislation with schoolboard) - 11,12
Youth Advisory Council(1 of 2 students from my school to be selected, work with U.S House member Tom Price) - 12
Mock Trial - 11,12
Philosophy Club - member 10,11 - president - 12
Beta Club - 12
National Honors Society - 12
JV Basketball - 9
ICE club - 11,12
Young Democrats - 12
SAT Club - 12
GSA - 10, 11
Varsity Letter - Mock Trial
Varsity Letter - Policy Debate</p>

Georgia Boys State(nominated)
100 + service hours at library, landscaping at school, and animal rescue</p>

<p>Work Experience:
Publix supermarkets - 11
Kroger supermarkets - 12</p>

<p>You might look at Claremont-McKenna.</p>

<p>Thanks, but would prefer not to live in SoCal. Any other options? How is UNC for Econ?</p>

<p>UNC has a very solid econ program. Have you considered Chicago, Michigan, Northwestern, Rochester, Wisconsin, or WUStL? JHU might also fit the bill, but I'm not sure how transfer-friendly they are.</p>

<p>^ Agreed. All have pretty good econ programs ('course, the top schools tend to).</p>

<p>I'm going to apply to:</p>

William and Mary</p>

<p>you could try georgetown's international economics program.</p>