Last Month's Scoring Curves

<p>If anyone is interested. The first number is the cutoff for 800, the second is for 750.</p>

<p>Writing - 97, 90
Literature - 99, 94
Math I - 99+, 97
Math II - 88, 72
US History - 99, 91
World History - 97, 90
Eco Bio - 99, 95
Mole Bio - 97, 89
Chem - 96, 84
Physics - 93, 79
Chinese(Listening) - 61, 25
French - 91, 81
French(Listening) - 90, 80
German - 95, 75
German(Listening) - 92, 75
Hebrew - 85, 75
Italian - 85, 69
Japanese(Listening) - 82, 47
Latin - 94, 85
Spanish - 90, 75
Spanish(Listening) - 96, 76
Korean(Listening) - 65, 30</p>

<p>cut off? you mean percentile?</p>

<p>Yeah, percentiles.</p>

<p>What do the numbers mean? They're not raw scores, and they're not percent correct.</p>

<p>The numbers are the percentiles you have to be in to recieve a 800 or a 750. I have the official score report right in front of me so I'm pretty sure they are correct.</p>

<p>I</a> think this chart is a better representation, personally.</p>

<p>Oh even better. It shows the inbetweens. Thanks.</p>

<p>Thank you guys.</p>