<p>I think everyone is almost ready for the Biology E/M exam next Saturday.
So, Why don't we all review together? We can ask questions.. Review
certain topics.. This way we can help each other before the exam !!
Hope everyone participates!</p>
<p>I'll start off by asking about the different types of evolution E.G. : Divergent.
Because am having trouble setting them into my head :P</p>
<p>Divergent Evolution is when a species is split into two, and they “diverge” methods of survival. For example, one species of salamander is split in two somehow, and one develops a longer tail, and the other loses its tail.</p>
<p>Convergent Evolution can be easily defined by a dolphin and a shark. They are different species, but both adapt to survive in a similar fashion (fins and stuff). </p>
<p>Parallel Evolution is similar to Divergent Evolution, a species is split into two. But instead of developing different characteristics, over time, their characteristics still seem similar.</p>
<p>Coevolution is when two species evolve together. A hummingbird and a flower. Say the flower develops a longer something, and the hummingbird has to adapt to reach the nectar in the longer something, I forgot what they are called =P.</p>
<p>@Lometa: I haven’t gotten to that review section yet, sorry.</p>
<p>@Shalaby: </p>
<p>Let’s give a scenario to make this simpler. So there is a large population of rats on an island, and they vary in color from white to black.</p>
<p>Directional: Over time, one color is preferred over the other. Black ones survive more because forests are growing more rapid, and black blends better, so they survive more.</p>
<p>Stabilizing: Neither extreme color is preferred, but rather in the middle. So say gray or brown ones survive instead of white/black.</p>
<p>Disruptive or Diversifying: Where both extremes are preferred, but nothing in the middle. So only black or white survive, but no gray/brown.</p>
<p>The finches migrated to the islands as one species. But over time, each population’s characteristics changed to suit the island’s specific characteristics. An island with more harder shells on seeds caused birds to adapt with stronger or larger beaks.</p>
<p>I’m taking the SAT Biology SparkNote tests for revision…
There are 5 tests, I think.
If you guys have taken them, post the scores!
I’ll post mine when I’m done.</p>