Latest SAT you can take for Early Action

<p>I was wondering if you can take an SAT after the Early Action deadline (November 1st), and still send your new score for consideration (The SAT is on November 5th and the scores are sent around late Nov as well).</p>

<p>If I cannot, this puts me in a dilemma. </p>

<p>If this is the case, is it easier to get in early action or regular? one thing that entices me is that the decision would be given to me on December 23rd, which, if I got in, would help me decide how many schools I would end up applying to. </p>

<p>If you were me, would you apply to Michigan early with a 1950 SAT score, or would you wait to apply regular with a retaken SAT score? </p>

<p>Michigan is one of my top 5 choices with Illinois, Emory, USC and Texas. I would apply to about 10 schools, but if I got in early I would apply to only 5 or 6.</p>

<p>1950 is a bit low, if you think you can do better retaking it, then I would definitely go with that route. Your scores are what get you in the door before admissions even starts debating your other qualities, so I’d go for the regular.</p>

<p>Also, I’m pretty sure the latest for Early is October 1st testing date.</p>