Latina Chances at Princeton ED

<p>Public H.S. Scarsdale NY
Race/Gender: Hispanic Female
Prospective Major: Engineering
AIM: BeLaS33172
Unweighted GPA: 3.5 (toughest courses)
Weighted GPA: 4.0?
Class rank: school doesn't rank </p>

<p>SAT I Scores
SAT I Math: 760
SAT I Verbal: 700 </p>

<p>SAT II Scores
SAT II Writing: 700
SAT II Math IIC: 760
SAT II Chemistry: 670
SAT II Physics: 670 </p>

<p>Long-form Info</p>

<p>Extracurricular Info
Captain Swimm Team
President Shakespeare Club
Spanish at home
3 months at Mother Theresa orphanage in Ethiopia
Other Info
AP Math
AP Chem
AP English
AP Stats
AP Spanish </p>

<p>Colleg courses:
Calculus II at Columbia A-
Research Paper Characterization of 6-His-Meco29kl Methyltransferase, University of Moscow</p>

<p>Hello fellow Hispanic Princeton applicant</p>

<p>You and I, in my opinion, have quite similar stats. You do have that research which will make you shine in the admissions process, though. I say we both have a very decent chance, please review my stats and tell me if you agree (can be found both in the "what are my chances?" and "princeton" forums)</p>
