Le Interview

<p>Hey guys,
I was deferred by Cornell ED and never got an alumni interview. Will it be possible to get one for the RD round, and would I have to contact someone about it?

<p>alumni interviews will almost never influence the outcome of your application. that’s to say, you will never get in because of one if your application wasn’t strong enough already - unless you have stuff that you said in the interview that you didn’t send to Cornell (which, if that’s the case, you should have sent in more information to Cornell too). you will also never get rejected just because of your alumni interview, unless you do something really crazy, like shoot up the diner in which your interview is in. but then again, if that happens, you won’t go to college anyway. in fact, they’re only there to keep the alumni busy and to help you learn more about cornell. they’re offered if and only if there are enough alumni in your area.</p>

<p>that being said, i guess if you still feel like you need one, i think you could contact admissions and ask for one? if you weren’t granted one ED, i’d assume that you probably won’t be granted one RD because there are so many more applicants in RD than in ED.</p>

<p>awww…it’s too bad I left the Albany area…I would have loved to interview you chandlerbing! </p>

<p>You might try PMing CayugaRed about this…since he’s the head for his area he might know the policy about deferred ED applicants having an alumni meeting during the RD cycle…provided an alumni is available.</p>

<p>Oh darn I would’ve loved to be interviewed by you!
haha but such is life :/</p>

<p>I actually don’t think I will because an alumni interview really wouldn’t help at this point, when should I send that letter of interest though? And should I direct it towards the entire HumEc admissions or just to the adcom I spoke to a while back (who never responded to my email :()</p>

<p>RD is going to be hell.</p>

<p>I would send the letter soon. Cornell reopens tomorrow and I’m sure the admissions committees will start reviewing apps right away. Since you don’t know who will read your letter…I would direct it to the entire admissions committee.</p>

<p>At least in my area, we try to get all of the ED kids before the RD months as RD is generally hell and there’s no guarantee we can get to all of the RD kids. (Right now we have 45 applicants for 8 volunteers… so some kids will most likely not be contacted.)</p>

<p>So not having an ED contact might just indicate that there is no active alumni group for your area.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that not having an interview can’t hurt you. </p>

<p>Chandler – Send me an email with the name of the high school you attend. I’ll see what I can do. And address the letter to the director of admissions for HumEc.</p>

<p>Oh wow, that’s a ridiculous amount.</p>

<p>Possibly, I have no idea.</p>

<p>I know, but having one could maybe help a little bit. There are some things I didn’t emphasize on my Cornell application in particular that I think could maybe add to it if I discuss it in my interview.</p>

<p>Okay, I’ll shoot you an email.</p>