Leadership Summer Conferences good for college admissions?

<p>I've received several pamphlets from LeadAmerica and other organizations that sponsor "leadership" conferences during the summer. Are they worth going to, and do they <em>really</em> show that you are a leader, especially to Ivies? Or is it more like padding for your resume that doesn't really mean much?</p>

<p>It definitely can't hurt to attend leadership conferences, but they are not usually considered all that important. They are more resume padding than anything. </p>

<p>Generally, summer programs that have a higher degree of selectivity involved, and aren't solely something you pay for, are given more consideration. The more selective the program, the more interested a selective college will be in it. Anything that involves some type of researching or courses for college credit looks nice.</p>

<p>@ monkeycloud</p>

<p>Only attend and include conferences that are highly selective, prominent and academic-reated (a huge plus if it's related to your major.). If you attended a program for high school students at a college during the summer, also include that on your application</p>