Learn a new instrument in college?

<p>Hey, I am attending Dartmouth next year and I was wondering if I can take up an instrument as a hobby. I played clarinet for school band for 3 years straight through middle school and high school years, and never continued with it.</p>

<p>I have been getting interested in music since there are many talented kids around me and they have inspired me to take up this interest as a hobby.</p>

<p>I have my mind set on the cello, and I was wondering if there's any option for a complete beginner with some musical background to get started. </p>

<p>Are there interest instruments the school would let me borrow? Will there people who will be willing to teach me? Will I have time to practice, if I find time for it?</p>

<p>So many questions. If you have had experience with this, please chime in!</p>

<p>My son had played a stringed instrument for about 12 years when he went to D, as well as guitar. His freshman year he decided to take up the piano and paid a fellow student to give him some lessons. This year (he’s a sophomore) he auditioned for free lessons through the music department and got them. All I know about it is that I think you have to sign some kind of contract that says that you will pursue the lessons for three terms. There might also be some commitment to practice time. I don’t know about borrowing instruments, but there is a luthier at West Lebanon Crossing called Vermont Violins, and I think it likely that you could rent an instrument from them or someone else who is local. Failing that, there are several well-known places in Massachusetts (Johnson in Newton is one), and it is not uncommon for rentals to be shipped. It is normal for people to rent when they start a stringed instrument.</p>

<p>I know several students who have picked up new instruments while in college. Your best bet, is as consolation said, get student lessons for a year or so then audition for the free professional lessons.
As a side note, you should consider marching band! We’ll teach you to play an instrument and we’ve got quite a few available for borrowing. We don’t really do much in the way of stringed instruments, but we take about everything!</p>

<p>I want to learn the violin, I’ve gotten my feet wet with it and I’ve played the cello all throughout high school and honestly I think the violin is cooler. I’ll probably teach myself for a bit and apply for lessons through the music program if I’m able to.</p>