Learning experience at UW?

<p>I visited Madison this week and was thrilled by the awesome atmosphere on campus. However, i noticed that the tour guide never gave the "students here are truly excited about learning/take lessons outside the classroom" speech that i've heard at schools of similar caliber. Having atleast some of this culture is very important to me, and im sure it is present at a school as big as UW, but not hearing about it was kind of odd, and im looking for sone reassurance....So, among the insane amount of spirit, athletics, and greek life, are students at wisconsin enthusiatic about learning?</p>

<p>yes and tend to both work and play with equal fervor. Most rate the experience very highly overall.</p>

<p>Yes. I suspect it didn’t occur to the guide that the obvious needed to be stated. Of course there are so many diverse activities and courses you can get involved in- you won’t get bored. There are so many different students who like so many different things. You find your niche. It could be Honors math/science type courses and research or it could be social sciences or humanities that grab you. Or the engineering programs, or business, or… Consider the tale of the blind men and the elephant- each saw a different part and came to a different conclusion. Students are many faceted and not all will show their intellectual and other passions in the same way- “excited” is not a word some would use. There are many courses in so many fields you can take a course for credit in that you would be surprised exist. Don’t let the weekend life fool you- studying can be intense during the week, especially during exam times.</p>

<p>UW senior.</p>

<p>I regret coming to UW because the majority of people don’t care at all about learning. I’ve had many less educated conversations outside the classroom than expected.</p>