<p>I was filling out the supplement to the Common App for Boston U and left the "what other colleges are you applying to" section blank (it wasn't required). This isn't that big of a deal, right? For some reason I'm getting nervous...like they will look negatively on the fact that I left it blank. Thanks to anyone who can calm my worries, lol</p>
<p>Don’t worry… it was optional… they probably just used the schools that students self-report in order to get a better understanding of what schools they compete against</p>
<p>Haha! I almost did the same thing because I was worried that if they saw that BU was clearly my backup, that they’d be more hesitant to accept me. I guess I’m just paranoid and try to find every little thing in the application that they would see in a negative light. I just put four of the nine schools that I applied to though (like I only put my top-choice ivy). But I doubt it makes any difference</p>