<p>So, I am being considered for the LEDA program, 2nd part application. But I dont have any idea what it is! I went to their website and even went to Princeton. No good information. I need to find out more about it before I take it seriously. I also got accepted a summer program in the Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, how does it compare?<br>
In summary, how much risk am I taking? (Regardless of my stats how combative is it)</p>
<p>LEDA is a free program. You don’t apply for specific scholarships. If you’re in, they will pay for you.
I’m not for sure what you mean by LEDA.
As in Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse America? Because the first round deadline has not even past yet, so how could you already be in the second?
Feel free to contact me for more info, as a I went to it this summer.</p>