LEDA scholarships

<p>So, I am being considered for the LEDA program, 2nd part application. But I don’t have any idea what it is! I went to their website and even went to Princeton. No good information. I need to find out more about it before I take it seriously. I also got accepted a summer program in the Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, how does it compare?<br>
In summary, how much risk am I taking? (Regardless of my stats how combative is it)</p>

<p>Is anyone here a LEDA scholar? Does it count against the applicant if they took AP courses but did not pass the AP Exam? and had low PSAT scores? What are the chances of getting in under those circumstances?</p>

<p>when do results come up</p>

<p>For future reference for anyone on CC, I went to LEDA this past summer and had an amazing, life-changing experience. I recommend all highly motivated, open minded, and curious students to apply. If you guys have any specific questions, feel free to pm me. And we just released our LEDA documentary, it has tons of information and footage of this past summer. Check it out here: [YouTube</a> - LEDAScholars’s Channel](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/user/LEDAScholars]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/user/LEDAScholars)</p>

<p>Its been three weeks since my interview. Does anyone know if this means I got rejected?</p>

<p>What are stats for acceptees in Leda?</p>