
<p>I'm slightly confused, I know with a lot of colleges you have a better chance at getting in with an alumni as a family member, but I don't know what qualifies you as a legacy. Do you have to have a parent or grandparent as a legacy, or would an aunt/uncle count as well? Do you think it is a huge impact with Yale admissions? thanks!</p>

<p>It would have to be a direct family relationship, so parent or grandparent, as aunts and uncles may be overlooked. Legacy just gives you a “second look” or a tipping factor, but will not make up for lacking things. Hm…if your family is famous at Yale, perhaps, but most legacies are just looked more carefully.</p>

[how</a> far does legacy get you](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/yale-university/641925-how-far-does-legacy-get-you.html]how”>How far does "legacy" get you? - Yale University - College Confidential Forums)</p>