Legacy Admission

<p>Hi, how much do you think that being a legacy will help my D2's chances of being accepted? Her grades and scores are in range but are in the lower 25% for the U. </p>

<p>Also my D1 (who had higher GPA and scores) applied 2 years ago and was accepted wth $20,000 scolarship but decided to go to a different school. Do you think that will have a negative impact on D2's application?</p>

<p>To your second question, no, I don’t think it will affect your chances.</p>

<p>To your first question, it could help a bit. Just like every other school, UM wants to keep its alumni happy so they’ll donate.</p>

<p>If I were in her position I’d probably retake the SAT or ACT instead of leaving it to fate, but that is, obviously, her choice.</p>

<p>Yes she is going to retake the ACT in Sept. Her scores are:</p>

<p>Reading 28 Math 30 Science 29 English 32 Essay 10
SAT 1950 CR 640 M 640 W 670</p>

<p>And she will apply EA.</p>

<p>Oh, those are good scores. Depending on her GPA, I bet she’ll get in. It’s unfortunate that her best SAT section was on the section that doesn’t count, though.</p>

<p>A retake could put her in a good spot for a scholarship.</p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>