Legal Nurse

<p>What exaclty is a legal nurse and how does it differ from a regular nurse? does it pay more or less? and do i need to go to extra college for this or have a special degree?</p>

<p>You would go on and become a legal nurse consultant after acquiring more schooling via a certificate type program. You really need to have practiced for a time as an R.N. to make sense of what you are reading. Legal nurse consultants review charts for law firms to determine if the “plan of care” was followed and if not why not and if there was negligence in the actions of the healthcare staff involved. You need direct patient care experience yourself to be able to read and understand the notes as well as understand if proper care was delivered. Some legal nurses become expert witnesses in an area but those nurses are usually those who continue to work in their chosen area so are very current in their practice.</p>

<p>Alternatively, some nurses go on to become lawyers themselves which means law school.</p>