Lehigh vs. Hamilton

<p>I'm currently deciding between Hamilton and Lehigh for ED II
I need all of your input please!</p>

<p>I know that Hamilton is a very inclusive school with a great education...a school that builds great bonds and relations with teachers. With only a couple of hundred freshman students, it seems like a great place to actually learn and not sit in giant lecture groups. </p>

<p>Lehigh on the other hand is a more career focused type of school...i'm probably going to study economics and the program at lehigh is great. I just might want a more 1 on 1 type of school...and lehigh is not too big...but i'm still having my doubts.</p>

<p>I need your opinions on:
1.) location
2. )recruitment
3. ) student life
4.) Alumni relationships
5.) A future in law</p>

<p>For an intense and personalized learning/exploration experience at Lehigh, you should consider [South</a> Mountain College (SMC)](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/lehigh-university/464094-south-mountain-college.html]South”>South Mountain College - Lehigh University - College Confidential Forums). As an A&S econ-major, you would be eligible to apply to SMC.</p>