<p>Hey, I was wondering if some of you could put your two cents in about Lehigh and RPI. Those are the two best schools I've gotten into so far, that I like, and I'm having a bit of a dilemma.</p>
<p>RPI pros:
$15,000 merit/year
Good Engineering school</p>
<p>RPI cons:
Dorky/feel like I'll have no social life</p>
<p>Lehigh pros:
Very socail, seems like I will get along well with the people there
Also good engineering, but is it as good as RPI?</p>
<p>Lehigh cons:
Too much of a party school? [so I've heard]
aprx. 16,000 more per year</p>
<p>Does one have a better engineering rep? Is Lehigh worth the extra money, for the social life? Any other input would be helpful, THANKS!!</p>
<p>I am currently in the same dilemma, money wise i got the same amount of scholarships though. i went to lehigh and absolutely loved it, but rpi does have a better engineering ranking.</p>
<p>Wow, I'm in pretty much the same situation as both of you too. One thing that draws me to Lehigh over RPI is the amount of things other than engineering that are available. If you have a ton of interests like me, Lehigh might be better, but strictly engineering, probably RPI.</p>
<p>A good friend of mine goes to RPI, he is a male, for him it is horrible. There is a 2 to 1 ratio boys to girls, he said it makes socializing with women very difficult. As for academics the engineering program is top notch. His work schedule is grueling but he is learning so much.</p>
<p>That's about all I can shed from my source, hope it helps.</p>
<p>5757: Actually the ONLY other major I would consider if I did change from Engineering is Business. [which I DON'T think I will, considering I've done an internship and other things, but I can't predict the future] And supposedly RPI does have a good business program.</p>
<p>Snell64: Yes. I agree I wish the ratio is a bit off. I am a girl, so lots of guys doesn't really affect me, I just hope I can make good friends!</p>
<p>So the question left still unanswered: is Lehigh worth the extra 16,000 per year?</p>
<p>I don't think anyone can really answer that question for you. It would be impossible for someone to justify the extra 16K/yr. unless money is no issue for your family.</p>
<p>Well for some schools, for instance maybe Princeton or Yale VS. State school, the extra $$ could be worth it.
My question is the extra money worth it, do the pros of Lehigh outweigh the cons of RPI? or vice versa? I'm really not sure, I can't decide. I really liked Lehigh when I visited, but I hadn't considered the fact that I had a school giving me a lot of money, with similar reputation.</p>
<p>As far as money goes, my parents have enough means to pay for that extra 16,000, but it will have to come from their savings and other things. We won't need to take out loans, but I do plan on paying them back. Engineers make a lot of $$ :]</p>
<p>Ahh. I can't decide. I'm visiting again soon, and I'm hoping these visits can seal the deal for me.</p>
<p>so… im guessing you’re attending one of those two now… o.o and i just want to know how is it, the one that you’re attending. and can you explain briefly why you chose this college over the other one? thank you :]</p>