<p>Just curious, who has seen the trailer for the Les Mis movie?? From what I saw, it definitely looked like a contender to be something beautiful. Anne Hathaway as Fantine gave me goose bumps. Was NOT expecting that. The only thing I'm not so sure about is Samantha Barks as Eponine... I'm not a big fan of her on-stage work. Overall, what is your impression of the movie based on what we've seen?</p>
<p>I know nothing of Samantha Barks but don’t forget that part nearly went to Taylor Swift. Yikes!</p>
<p>I thought the trailer was terribly emotional. If it’s a true picture of the what the movie will be, I think it will be a smash.</p>
<p>oh ~ last I heard it was going to Taylor Swift, so it’s not?? YAAHOOO ~ I mean - oh dear, poor Taylor. LOL. </p>
<p>I think it’s going to be an epic moment in the lives of every MT fan in the country, when it opens. I don’t know anyone who isn’t on the ceiling about it. I’m so psyched about Jackman - have you seen the film of his performance of Curly in the Australian revival of Oklahoma? He is AWESOME. I think he’s perfect for the role.</p>
<p>I can’t wait for the amazing scenes that look to be actually shot in Paris, my favorite city in the world. The blockade looks incredible! The judge is still out on Anne Hathaway (who I love as an actress!) and vocals . . .</p>
<p>I thought the cinematography of the trailer was incredible, as were the little bits of acting we saw. I was not overwhelmed with Anne’s voice…I know she was doing it in an emotional way, but I think it lost something. Kind of like she sacrificed vocals for acting. There is a way to do both. I am really worried about Amanda Seyfried…but otherwise I think the movie will be good. I think I may wait until it’s out on DVD, though…</p>
<p>I wasn’t too over the top about the latter part of Anne’s singing segment. It needed more power and control. “From this Hell I’m living” needed that.</p>
<p>i loved the trailer and Hathaway’s vocal rendition of the song (the bit I heard).</p>
<p>To me, a theatrical release of a musical does not have to sound like it would on stage. It can be more intimate—more like you would sound in “real life” (if you broke into song at meaningful points in your existence ) </p>
<p>I don’t know that much about great vocal technique, but I know and love what moves me. And her voice in that brief trailer moved me.</p>
<p>A music director my D has worked with a few times was Russell Crowe’s vocal coach for the movie. For the past year, her facebook posts and pictures have been absolutely amazing!</p>
<p>I agree that a filmed version of the play can get away with a few different things. </p>
<p>For example, nobody in their right mind would suggest that Gerard Butler’s voice was anywhere in the same universe as Crawfords. But boy did he nail the part with his acting in Phantom (IMO anyway…I would totally throw my panties at the man…rrrrAAAARrrwwww) He had my heart in his pocket to be wrung out and torn up and put itself back together to go chasing after him down that hellhole for eternity, let me tall ya. And he actually had a band before he started acting, so he can sing, he just doesn’t sing proper MT style of singing, he’s got a rock and roll voice. It was adequate. (There would surely be NO debate he did better than poor unfortunate Pierce Brosnan in Mama Mia and arguably better than Streep, who I thought did pretty badly at singing and my gawd can we not just go back to hiring Marnie Nixon to dub these people??? LOL) It was adequate, but he is so mesmerizing and right for that part that I would not have replaced him for the FILM with even Crawford himself. Stage, is another matter entirely. That’s my thought on it. Some can do both, though.</p>